Tuesday, November 26, 2013

being human? I'd much rather be a cat.

So rule number 11. 11. Be kind to othersI think that this is probably one of the truest statements ever made. It is important to treat those who cannot do anything for you with respect. Animals especially. Animals have it so easy. They sit around, they eat, they sleep, and they are loved. Why can't humans be like that? Nobody judges an animal, unless they're little twits. Most of us don't kick, scream at, or make fun of dogs or guinea pigs or even cats. So why is it so hard to treat each other the way some of us treat our pets? Why can't we get along and be nice to one another? Spend a little time getting to know a perfectly good stranger, it could brighten their day. Give a little bit of your time to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen or even just donate something to Goodwill. It seems like so much, but in the grand scheme of things, it's quite frankly very little. So just be kind and polite, it could make someone's day (: "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -Sirius Black