Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Help

The Help is another one of those books that touches on real life issues and dealing with the issues. Also set in the south (Mississippi) during the 1960s, racism is a prevalent theme. Skeeter is an aspiring journalist who questions the racist attitudes of those around her. She was basically raised by a black woman, who disappeared before Skeeter came home from college. She is on a mission to prove that the black maids have the toughest jobs. The story also follows two of those black maids, Aibileen and Minny. These two women have powerful stories of life during segregation and the daily struggles they face!

The Secret Life of Bees

This book is so powerful so far. It's set in South Carolina during the 1960s. The book focuses on Lily Owens and her journey to find out who her mother is. I like books like this one that talk about racism and the issues it brings up. I can relate to Lily very much so. She's independent and is forever curious. She strives to know more and more and won't settle. She isn't exactly racist. She loves Rosaleen, the woman who raised her, and Zach, her new found friend. This book is a nice coming of age novel that focuses on real issues and deals with those issues rather than hiding them.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Ultimate Reading Guide

So a post about reading. Who doesn't love that? haha. anyway reading hasn't always been fun to me. when I was younger, I had to be forced to sit down and do summer reading. It took a couple more years before I sat down with a book that I actually liked. The book was One for the Money by Janet Evanovich. It's about a woman who loses her job and decides to become a bounty hunter. She's kind of a sucky bounty hunter, but she is relatable. After that, as they say, the rest is history. I read all of Evanovich's books, every last one of them. Then I moved on and started reading more and more. Mostly detective-type stories, some teen books, and then I discovered dystopian books. Specifically the Hunger Games. I read the Hunger Games in about two days. It was enthralling. I had never read anything like it and I absolutely loved it. Then reading the second and third ones was like the cherry on top! Reading has become a big part of my life. I feel it can make a person whole in a sense. Having a good book to read to escape from life is really all I could ever ask for!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

In Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there is a central point about teachers and pupils. One of those points focuses on Li Mu Bai and Jen. Li Mu Bai is arguably the best warrior. Jen is on the rise to be a great one. There are hindrances to her rising fame you could call it. She is rude, lacks manners, and is very arrogant. Li Mu Bai is the epitome of the perfect warrior. He is respectful and knows how to be graciously defeated and is a gracious winner. Li Mu Bai sees potential in Jen. She already has a great skill set and knows a lot. Li Mu Bai wants to polish her. He also does not like the fact that Jade Fox is her teacher. He hates Jade Fox. Li Mu Bai wants to make Jen his own and he wants to shape her into what she could be. He believes with her that he could very well start over. Maybe not so much his own life, but her life. Li Mu Bai wants to put her on the right path and not see her end up like Jade Fox. By teaching Jen, maybe Li Mu Bai thinks that it will give him a second chance with Shu Lien. All in all, Li Mu Bai wants Jen to live up to her potential, and he feels that he can get her there.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

So I am almost all the way done this book and it is phenomenal. After reading the first two, it gives me a new appreciation for understanding the 'magic' that Lewis tries to portray. Lewis captures the mind with this book about a ship that sets sail on a journey to find Aslan's country. The characters develop at a nice pace and I'm happy that Lewis brought in their cousin as a third person. It's hard to like Eustace in the beginning, but as the book goes on you learn to like him and it's nice to have him with the younger two Pevensies. I'm excited to find out how the book ending differs from the movie ending!

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

To continue on with my Narnian adventure, Prince Caspian was the next in this series. As usual, C. S. Lewis has done an excellent job transporting me into the world of Narnia. I felt that this book was very well written and has a wonderful story line. I did not like, however, how the character relationships weren't as developed as they were in the movie. You learn about Caspian as a prince and as a person, but you don't learn about how he and Peter got along. You don't see the relationship between Lucy and Trumpkin that you do in the movie. As always there are the people who like movies better than books, but me personally, I feel that books will typically always trump movies. I personally feel that the movie did exploit the characters better than the book did. Overall I think this book is worth reading!