Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The fault in this book

So this is completely not what i thought was going to happen! She doesn't want to be with him, but at the same time she does! So maybe they won't end up in love after all. It sounds like the struggle of every teenage girl! He wants to take her to Amsterdam to meet her favorite author and at first she's all about it, but then she decides that maybe she shouldn't go. Hazel is very confusing, but then I guess we all are a little confusing. It's hard to decide whether or not they will end up together. I want to root for them, but Augustus seems too clingy, but he's also super sweet and I want them to be together. This story is so relevant to teenagers and life in general. I wasn't expecting this kind of story when starting it, but so far I'm happy with how this book is turning out. The title finally makes sense too! "The fault in our stars" refers to William Shakespeare when he has Cassius say, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in out stars" and stars refers to the astrological stars. I thought it meant celebrities. Romeo and Juliet were star-crossed lover and it appears as if Hazel and Augustus are too!

1 comment:

  1. This relationship actually sounds like real life. There are so many teens that have no idea how to make up their mind. It is kind of refreshing that the relationship is a tad unpredictable because it makes it easier to relate too. When you know that two people are going to be together and you can guess all the stuff in between it takes the fun away from reading. I used to be into Nicholas Sparks books (Do not get me wrong, he is a good writer) but all his stories are predictable. Someone always dies, the people always end up together in some way or another and it always takes place in the south. I'm glad this book does not stick to the usual love story pattern. I may consider reading it.
